

The Samudra International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (SICOMSE) is the third international seminar organized by Universitas Samudra. This seminar carries the theme “Transformative Education: Bridging the Gap Towards Society 5.0 Through Innovative Learning“. The primary focus revolves around the concept of Society 5.0 and how education can play a transformative role in achieving its goals. The term Society 5.0 refers to a vision of society in which technological advances, especially in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), STEM and biotechnology, are integrated seamlessly into every aspect of life to enhance human capabilities and solve societal challenges. It envisions a society where technology serves humanity in a harmonious and sustainable way.

The conference aims to explore how education can bridge the gap between our current societal structures and the ideals of Society 5.0. It focuses on innovative learning approaches that can empower individuals with the skills, knowledge, and mindset necessary to thrive in a rapidly evolving technological landscape while also addressing the ethical, social, and environmental implications of these advancements.

In this context, Education is recognized as a fundamental catalyst for achieving the SDGs, as it empowers individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to address global challenges and build a sustainable future. By focusing on innovative learning approaches and leveraging technology to enhance education, the theme directly contributes to several SDGs, including Quality Education (SDG 4), Gender Equality (SDG 5), Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9), and Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10).

In the Asia-Pacific region, and specifically in Indonesia, the implementation of this theme holds significant potential for driving socio-economic development and addressing pressing challenges. Indonesia, with its diverse population and rapidly growing economy, stands to benefit greatly from transformative education initiatives that prepare its citizens for the demands of the digital age. By embracing innovative learning approaches and integrating technology into education systems, Indonesia can enhance access to quality education, improve skills development, and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

We look forward proposals or abstracts from scholars and industry professionals in the social sciences and humanities. These contributions will enrich and broaden the range of perspectives for dialogue at this conference.

Conference Objectives
Conference Organizer

The Samudra International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (SICOMSE) is organized by Samudra University (Unsam), a state university located in the westernmost region of Indonesia, more precisely in Aceh Province, Sumatra Island. Unsam has five faculties: science and technology, agriculture, economics, law, and education. The existence of competent human resources makes Unsam able to organize international conferences. With in-depth knowledge and extensive practical experience, Unsam’s lecturers actualize every academic dialogue from a rich and varied perspective. Furthermore, the combination of good academic standards and a firm commitment to the advancement of science ensures that Unsam can organize this event with excellence.

In addition, Unsam is dedicated to improving the quality and readiness of its educational and research activities. This commitment is evidenced by the implementation of innovative teaching methodologies, expanded access to academic resources, and increased interdisciplinary collaboration. Unsam continues to improve its research facilities and provides comprehensive support to its researchers, thereby encouraging the production of reputable scientific contributions.


Unsam has good experience organizing international events. This is proven by the success of the Samudra International Conference, which is currently the third in the last six years